This is the govenor and mayors responsibility. They could have stopped this illegal activity months ago. They have blood on their hands. All these democratic mayors like the one in DC who should have protected people from the RNC. You never see Trump supporters harassing people like the dems do. Even Walter's and priestly encourage to harass republicans.
Imagine being responsible for 90 days of rioting, looting, agitating, $1Billion in damages and then celebrating the death of someone that did absolutely nothing...
NO DEATH RECORD is the state of the Left and it will all come to fruition in November.
Where are the protests for this senseless killing??? Now you can murder someone just because you disagree with their political beliefs??? I hope these domestic terrorists are brought to justice. Not just the one who pulled the trigger- but all of those wreaking havoc.
The shits got to end. Now the same people who refused to acknowledge this was going on and who refused help are framing and blaming the president. Take it to the polls and vote wisely. Show up in force and send the liberal pos back to their holes.
Until we get SERIOUS and only then will this stop. They are not afraid of us YET but they will be. How much are we going to tolerate? Innocent business owners have lost everything, innocent employees have lost jobs, innocent children have lost freedom and safety! And innocent people are being attacked and abused and killed! My fear is becoming anger
These pukes are pushing for a war they can't win. Don't poke the beast. Patriots are good people until we are pushed into a corner then we are your worst enemy. Time for the Governor and mayor to put and end to the this.
Everyone has the right to protest peacefully. Do you think only certain people or groups can do so? That is pure communism. These anarchist are communist that want to end our republic. People wake up before it is too late.